Syed Hasan Two
Syed Hasan Two
  • Видео 65
  • Просмотров 2 137 004


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  • @johndean8052
    @johndean8052 3 дня назад

    "My", who is this my? talking never does it, just exposes the emperor with no clothes.....

  • @Grandpa_Boxer
    @Grandpa_Boxer 22 дня назад

    This cannot be listened to just once. Profoundly compelling!! Much appreciation!

  • @BigSausageTits
    @BigSausageTits Месяц назад,i’m gonna have to watch this now,shakes me up in the best way when a movie subtlety points. good vid.

  • @michael_bolton
    @michael_bolton Месяц назад

    I’ve seen the image/place in this videos thumbnail in my dreams multiple times, the resemblance is uncanny. Back when I used to have vivid dreams more often, the vehicles/objects and time period weren’t always the same but this “valley-like” metropolis that leads to water with a path in the middle going down with architecture or architecture intertwined with a forest on either side.

    @NAMESOFNAMES 2 месяца назад

    So if i do this I’m practicing stoicism at it finest🔥

  • @kaseyhussle
    @kaseyhussle 2 месяца назад

    "cease bowing to the feet of your own imagination."

  • @mimiandtikah
    @mimiandtikah 2 месяца назад

    usefull tips ,,nice

  • @StClare_
    @StClare_ 2 месяца назад

    The tragedy of sentience, perhaps in a sort of perverse way, actually provides me some comfort. It takes admitting the problem in order to "solve" it. Of course, there's no actual, ultimate solution for suffering-our sentience is predicated upon the lash of suffering and the perceived possibility of somehow obtaining joy... a carrot on a stick. Yet there's no alternative. There's no other game to play but this one, absurd and agonizing as it may be. Yet, to be without suffering is to be without joy. Hear me out: imagine the best possible form of consciousness you can imagine: say an eternal, unrelenting infusion of the best heroin the cosmos can offer into every particle that makes up one's body and brain, though as if one were coterminous with the universe and so the universe could somehow experience this itself and in its entirety, through all of existence, as if one were oneself that very existence and every particle of the totality of things sang in unison with rapturous bliss forever and ever. What, really, is the difference between this state of being and that of a stone or a puddle or any other inanimate object? Joy without suffering has no meaning, no value, no real existence, because, just as all things only perceptibly exist in relation to other things-relative, even, to **all** other things-joy only exists in the context of suffering. And so suffering, of course, only exists relative to joy. And we know of no sentience that exists without this spectrum of experience, without this awareness and, ultimately, **need**, for bother suffering and joy. Consciousness is consciousness of **something** "beyond" oneself as the observer. (Or so it's perceived.) We place into phenomena the values we conjure on the basis of the experience of suffering and joy. We derive purpose from meaning, meaning from value, value from suffering and joy, suffering and joy from desire, desire from sentience, sentience from consciousness, consciousness from awareness, and awareness from the perception of duality-of there being some gulf between the observer and the phenomenon observed. Call this what I've called it: joy the carrot on the stick dangling forever in front of us, always just out of reach, and suffering the whip bidding us on to obtain the carrot. It seems indisputable that this is a tragic-**the** tragic, the ***supremely*** tragic-state of affairs, especially so given that, in the fullness of time and space and the vastness of the cosmos, humanity is guaranteed to at some point go extinct. and moreover for its "legacy", any memory of it, to be destroyed by the force of entropy that will assuredly destroy humanity itself in the first place. But what other way ***could*** it be, or have been, or can it be in the future, or in any world or under any circumstance? Perhaps for some other form of consciousness, but certainly not for ours. There are more stars in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in ***any*** philosophy, absolutely, and for as much as we know, or think we know, there's an infinity that we do not and can never actually know, if knowledge is even possible and not merely an illusion or approximation. We can't possibly fathom the fullness of reality, or even what reality actually is. Yet all of this unknowing, uncaring, bewildering blinding inconceivability that we find ourselves in, all of this inevitable decay and pain and death, is all that we have or will ever have, and so what can I do but face it square on, stare "the Devil" in his eyes, and step around him to continue on my way? Yet if I did not know the Devil how would I ever know God? I'm of course not speaking of a literal Devil or God-simply that the vastness of my pain, even the vicarious pain I experience learning the history of endless agony experienced by sentient beings upon this planet (and so I surmise throughout the universe), is what fuels my appreciation for the joys I ***can*** obtain, and presses me on ***to*** obtain them to the best of my ability. It's only in the context of this horror that I can actually affirm my life. It's only when I'm at the very peak of the highest mountain of joy that I can actually feel that bliss because I can see from above how deep the vale of pain and suffering goes. This isn't a commentary on antinatalism, on whether it's right or wrong to bring life into being in the first place-merely to say that for me, in my own life, as much as I wish for happiness and freedom for all beings, bearing the cross of my own suffering and witnessing the crosses all other creatures bear in life has actually allowed me to find a "higher" joy manifested in the ascent from the bottom of hell to the pinnacle of heaven. If I did not begin at the very bottom then how could I appreciate the very top? This suffering comes from the perception of One being Two, the observer and the observed. Yet to be One is to be the stone or the puddle, and as much as I've faced down the noose in life I've always turned away because I'd rather have my pain, the very fuel for my joy, than nothing at all. I can't speak for others or how they should live their lives or think about life or its worth or lack thereof. This is simply my own contention, and certainly there have been times, especially when I've had that noose in my hand, when I felt that this is worth nothing at all. I suppose I'm just saying that the very worthlessness of life is what provides me a reason to find a worth in it, and whether I do or don't find it is immaterial anyway because it's the journey itself that has meaning, not a destination in some paradise which does not, and can never, exist. I love you all and I sincerely wish you the very best in all things.

  • @jimikeigher6208
    @jimikeigher6208 2 месяца назад

    How to move from Seeking to Finding , for me, started with the question: What have we Here ? And then simply noticing.

  • @user-dt3pw2kt4v
    @user-dt3pw2kt4v 3 месяца назад

    Hi ! I get the I am aware of being aware, I can experience it at will as I am trying to be in a constant meditative state however the material world is very much part of our experience, hard solid matter is in our daily experience denying it sounds pretty woo woo djibberish ... What are the facts on this statements by Rupert? True scientists are always getting results based on theories so nothing is 100% believable ...

  • @low3242
    @low3242 3 месяца назад

    what good is this knowledge? it doesn't help me to live or die, especially die. i am as helpless and i was before but before at least i was unaware. now i am aware and more miserable. i wonder what would have happened if i never came across pessimistic literature. i am outside life and this lucidity is not compatible with life. you reads these things and they leave a permanent scar on you yet there is life to be lived, you have a family you live in a country so there are many obligation big and small. the desire for ignorance is just another desire like any other. i understand why tolstoy envied the peasants. a desire to be some one else but you, a desire for the nonreality of health, a desire for nonbeing, a desire for a time before time. life is so wretched.

    • @DeuceRumbo
      @DeuceRumbo 3 месяца назад

      Pessimist literature doesn't tell you anything you didn't already intuitively know from your experience of being. It may have crystalized those feelings into a more concrete form but it cannot curse you, it is not a cognito-hazard. The resonance of this assessment of life from person to person is directly correlated to their ability to recognize it as an accurate description of their own experience.

    • @low3242
      @low3242 3 месяца назад

      @@DeuceRumbo Schopenhauer, Cioran, Zapffe, Ligotti etc. can afford pessimism due to their wealthy backgrounds. And live a long life full of achievements.

    • @low3242
      @low3242 3 месяца назад

      @@DeuceRumbo there is something e(v)il about giving those d(a)rk experiences a structure, it wounds the reader. i would have been better off ignorant and in the company of my own illusions. most pessimists were/are from upper class backgrounds. they can afford this speculation and pessimism and not starve and still move on with their lives. vast majority cannot afford to be pessimistic. i was born in a f*iling country, odd are against me, i have so many e*emies and they are moving ahead because they still have their illusions. i can't take my r*venge. i am always torn between pessimistic lucidity and ambition which puts me into p*nic and p*ralysis. Zapffe, Cioran, Ligotti, Schopenhauer etc. all of them achieved so much and lived long lives. here their upper class backgrounds protected them, money is power and freedom. what about wretched w*rms like me? this philosophy has made me unfit for my ambitions by damaging my will. pessimists are c*uel. after pessimistic literature there's still life to be lived...

    • @DeuceRumbo
      @DeuceRumbo 2 месяца назад

      @@low3242 True, Schopenhauer had a wealthy background and Zapffe/Cioran were both on state pensions at one point. Not sure about Ligotti having a wealthy background? I would concede that having money helps to reduce inconvenience and secure necessities, and in Ligotti’s case identifying as socialist under the assertion that we should endeavor to reduce suffering as much as possible given the masses reject anti-natalism. But do you think if you had wealth you would feel differently about pessimism? Or would you just be able to better nurture the coping mechanisms of distraction from it?

    • @DeuceRumbo
      @DeuceRumbo 2 месяца назад

      @@low3242 also achievement for a pessimist is just sublimation

  • @joeybeann
    @joeybeann 3 месяца назад

    this video is a devils trap. Get out. Go no furthur. I escaped from pure dumb luck.

  • @joeybeann
    @joeybeann 3 месяца назад

    Listen at x.75. this guy talks too fast!

  • @joeybeann
    @joeybeann 3 месяца назад

    What is the significance of the painting in the thumbnail? Did the author paint this?

  • @ActionFigure10
    @ActionFigure10 3 месяца назад

    Thanks for posting these gems Syed. I have to be honest about the AI voice though. It sounds like a guy trying to sound tough, which doesn't suit the story. Something like the tone of the narrator of the books would be a better fit in my ears🙂

  • @Looneyboy
    @Looneyboy 4 месяца назад

    Enjoying the once a month uploads atleast.

  • @greendeane1
    @greendeane1 4 месяца назад

    For negative visualization, I just want leftist news.

  • @tristandavis6060
    @tristandavis6060 4 месяца назад

    38:04 all teachings are false

  • @tristandavis6060
    @tristandavis6060 4 месяца назад

    34:50 again, beware of Gurus....

  • @tristandavis6060
    @tristandavis6060 4 месяца назад

    30:00 Gurus, Teachers, online coaches are all fraudsters sell snake oil...

  • @tristandavis6060
    @tristandavis6060 4 месяца назад

    27:25 depend on no external authority, walk your own path, take this risk.

  • @tristandavis6060
    @tristandavis6060 4 месяца назад

    15:44 Never regret what you have done.

  • @eatbagels9625
    @eatbagels9625 4 месяца назад

    Summary of the trilogyвидео.htmlsi=e7qtasIaRbyUrBqb

  • @eatbagels9625
    @eatbagels9625 4 месяца назад

    Here’s a summary of the three booksвидео.htmlsi=e7qtasIaRbyUrBqb

  • @MarcoGungl
    @MarcoGungl 5 месяцев назад

    Thank you!

  • @tristandavis6060
    @tristandavis6060 5 месяцев назад


  • @krampus1094
    @krampus1094 5 месяцев назад

    Stoicism is thinking before taking each step

  • @tristandavis6060
    @tristandavis6060 6 месяцев назад


  • @tristandavis6060
    @tristandavis6060 6 месяцев назад

  • @Looneyboy
    @Looneyboy 6 месяцев назад

    Always loved these videos

  • @lgalico81
    @lgalico81 6 месяцев назад

    I like how he explains why we feel fear of life, uncertainty, fear of the unknown etc and doesn't give the common explanation of.... you are just depressed... It is the first time I hear someone analyse this human condition and doesn't just say... YOU ARE DEPRESSED!!!! I am sick of it, well, apparently I am not depressed. there is a huge meaning behind my feelings and my reluctance to believe that a pill will ease any of those fillings.

  • @swag8064
    @swag8064 6 месяцев назад


  • @muratyumusakkaya888
    @muratyumusakkaya888 6 месяцев назад

    Hasan sa kardeşim

  • @romanstudia
    @romanstudia 6 месяцев назад

    Only after I started studying the history of Hinduism philosophy could I realize what a pretentious BS the books of this guy are… literally trying to make his unprepared readers lose their minds. Don’t get me wrong: he’s really good with words (at least way above your average neo advaitist), but the intent is obviously to harm people. If his so-called enlightenment is that bad why preach it then and write more than 6 books on the topic? Also the guy who tells you to hate your ego seems to have the biggest ego in the universe. Please go read real philosophy instead of driving yourself nuts.

  • @vvv2k12
    @vvv2k12 6 месяцев назад

    Sounds like alan watts

  • @JeffreyPappas786
    @JeffreyPappas786 7 месяцев назад

    Happy New Year 🎉

  • @sethspeaksdaily7260
    @sethspeaksdaily7260 7 месяцев назад

    Beautiful explanation. The 'I' was never real. Only effortless, choiceless, pure awareness is real 🎉❤

  • @user-ug6ct5cv1h
    @user-ug6ct5cv1h 7 месяцев назад


  • @bpotter9769
    @bpotter9769 7 месяцев назад

    Thank you 🙏✨ I .. what is this I ? other than a thought, supported by countless other thoughts, feelings, experiences, sensations and speech Endless thinking, feeling and talking Are there original thoughts or words ? after millennia of thinking and speaking? Seeking is wanting and wanting (why? How? Etc) is thinking I am .. what is being ? Try being without thinking or feeling or inner dialogue.. try it please total forever silence, such as in deep sleep but then awake .. try that, it’s not difficult at all Where are you and what are you without thought !? Perhaps you and thought are one ? Contemplate please Try to feel without putting it into words, be watchful that your feeling does not become a part of thinking Once you can feel without words, without speaking, without thinking, then also your wanting will disappear, When your wanting disappears then also your Seeking disappears .. then .. nothing .. stay there please ..

  • @bpotter9769
    @bpotter9769 7 месяцев назад

    Thank you 🙏✨ I .. what is this I ? other than a thought, supported by countless other thoughts, feelings, experiences, sensations and speech Endless thinking, feeling and talking Are there original thoughts or words ? after millennia of thinking and speaking? Seeking is wanting and wanting (why? How? Etc) is thinking I am .. what is being ? Try being without thinking or feeling or inner dialogue.. try it please total forever silence, such as in deep sleep but then awake .. try that, it’s not difficult at all Where are you and what are you without thought !? Perhaps you and thought are one ? Contemplate please Try to feel without putting it into words, be watchful that your feeling does not become a part of thinking Once you can feel without words, without speaking, without thinking, then also your wanting will disappear, When your wanting disappears then also your Seeking disappears .. then .. nothing .. stay there please ..

  • @tristandavis6060
    @tristandavis6060 7 месяцев назад

    Listen at least once a week to remind the self😁

  • @Logarithmic10
    @Logarithmic10 8 месяцев назад

    Thank you for this.

  • @tristandavis6060
    @tristandavis6060 8 месяцев назад


  • @mvigoren34
    @mvigoren34 8 месяцев назад

    Is this alan watts speaking?

    • @teamworktan
      @teamworktan 2 месяца назад

      Kind of ironic, as Richard Rose had a low opinion of Alan Watts

  • @jokeshii
    @jokeshii 8 месяцев назад

    I like your concepts and how to present your thoughts on stoicism.While driving to office,practisim negative visualization was new concept ,thank you sharing such ideas it really practical idea which can be followed by everybody.Many days I will repeated listen your concept while driving to ideas to reinforce the concepts.keep doing the good work.Your mom enjoying ice cube analog example is keen observation that really puts the core ideas of stoicism

  • @luohuashijie
    @luohuashijie 8 месяцев назад

    I love this. I love this. I love this.

  • @tristandavis6060
    @tristandavis6060 8 месяцев назад

    You see what he did there at the end.... If you know,,, YOU KNOW!😮.

  • @channel1channel139
    @channel1channel139 8 месяцев назад

    This is SO good! Very densely packed stoic insights - thank you!!

  • @preetimaheshwari1329
    @preetimaheshwari1329 9 месяцев назад


  • @tristandavis6060
    @tristandavis6060 9 месяцев назад

    26:25 Pursue Mature adult growth, Not Enlightenment....😂